Why We Exist
The Gospel Changes Everything
We exist to make disciples of all nations who are in awe of the gospel, embody the gospel, and are giving their lives away because of the gospel.
Our Vision
There are three things that we focus on to accomplish this:
Story (UP)
The more we grow in our understanding of the grand story of the Bible, who our God is and what He has done for us in Christ, we will be moved to worship and will live with a Christian worldview.
Fluency (IN)
The more we grow in our understanding of the grand story of the Bible, who our God is and what He has done for us in Christ, we will be moved to worship and will live with a Christian worldview.
Mission (OUT)
Being motivated and moved by the gospel, we will send each other out to our workplaces, homes, neighborhoods, schools and the ends of the earth. We do this out of love for our neighbor because we have experienced the love of God. We are daily sent out to meet physical needs, live justly and hold out the message of the gospel.

Our Vision Distinctives
Reflect our city
We desire that our church population be comprised of no less than 40% college students, as well including many families, those who are single and in a career, and the elderly. We also have a strong desire to also be an ethnically and socioeconomically diverse body of believers.
Plant Churches
We want to plant one new church within the first five years of our existence, and every five after that. We desire to raise up church planters as well as have people from the outside resident with us. Finally, that we would set aside a minimum of 5% of our budget to give towards church planting efforts.
Raise and send out foreign missionaries
We desire to be a church that continually sends out short term teams to come alongside foreign missionaries and exposes our people to the needs for more laborers in those harvest fields.
Function as Family
Christianity is not about being a lone ranger, but instead, when Christ converts a man or woman, they’re incorporated into the church. It’s no surprise then that a predominate metaphor for the church in the Bible is family. As a family, we’re commanded to love one another, teach one another, and practice all the “one another’s” in the Bible. Membership, therefore, is a means to cultivate a family dynamic within the church as we seek to live in community, serve one another, and worship together as the family of God.
Keep it Simple
There are many things that we can spend our time doing in life as individuals and corporately as a church. Just because it’s good, or that we can do it, doesn’t mean we should. We will strive to maintain ministerial simplicity that frees up our members to not be overwhelmed with “church activities” but instead, foster schedules that allow us to invest in our relational contexts in order to share the Good News of Jesus with them.
Have a question about our vision?
Contact Doug Payne at doug@thebranchcorvallis.org